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10 Key Tips for Choosing a School

  • School education
10 Key Tips for Choosing a School

10 reasons to choose Agora International School Barcelona

When it is time to choose the school for our children, the responsibility of making the right decision raises some doubts and insecurities. However, it is important to realise that there are a series of questions that we must ask ourselves before making the choice and, for this reason, we talk about the 10 reasons to choose Agora International School Barcelona.

Can you imagine a world where everyone has a job that they are passionate about and that they do well?” This is the interesting reflection that Jaume Roset, the expert in talent and management skills, invites us to reflect upon in an interview in Gestionando Hijos (Managing Sons and Daughters) and we believe that when choosing a school, families should aim on finding a school that allows children to experiment and discover their talents.

What should we consider before choosing our children’s school?

Firstly, it is essential to be aware that choosing a school is much more than choosing certain subjects or a physical space to take children. Choosing a school is finding an educational project that lays down the foundations for learning, development and personal growth of children and it must be a considered decision.

What aspects should we assess when choosing a school?

Once we are clear that the choice of school is a very important issue that will largely mark the education and personal development of our children, it is necessary to ask ourselves questions and obtain answers so that this personal decision is the most appropriate for every family.

  • Which educational project does the school have?

A thoughtful decision requires having information. Parents should be well informed about the educational project offered by the school. It is highly recommended that families choose a school that is in line with their understanding of education. If parents and school are on the same educational page, the benefits for the student are far greater.

It is important that the project has a multidisciplinary approach – our School defined by FIVE distinctive elements which are the International Baccalaureate as a model for the future, multilingualism, music, sport and the commitment to provide our students with the tools to grow as global citizens who are capable of changing the world. The primary objective of our educational project is to achieve happiness and success for students.

  • Important values ​​for the school

Another fundamental aspect linked to the education project is to know the school’s values ​​and ideology. There are teachings and values ​​that parents consider basic and necessary for their children, so it is important to make sure that these same principles coincide with those of the school.

It is important to remember that your child is much more than the curriculum subject areas. The foundations of their development as a person, and the foundations of the adult they will become, will be laid. This is why it is key that the moral and educational values of the family and the school go hand in hand.

Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the great engine of personal development” and there is no doubt that school is a very important gear within that engine.

  • Innovation and Technology

Currently, the educational offer is vast and parents want their children to receive a good education. Educational innovation and technology are a guaranteed success for a complete and adequate learning for the development of the skills and abilities that children require not only for their day-to-day lives but also to succeed in the future in the labour market. For this reason, it is important to check whether innovation and technologies carry weight in the school’s methodology, as is the case in our School.

“The growing consumption of digital content from a very young age is a fact and it must be assumed and addressed so that it is to their benefit,” says Elisa Yuste, expert on the impact of technology on reading practice in an article published in Empantallados Technology can be a great ally in education and, therefore, it must be consistently present in the classroom.

  • The Importance of Languages

We live in a globalised world and, therefore, language learning is a differentiating element in the education of our children. Internationalisation and multilingualism are key to training students prepared for a globalised world and it is very present in our School. For this reason, we seek to promote international culture and an open mind, both for students and teachers, through unique learning experiences such as events in which schools from different countries participate in a context of global spirit and fellowship.

  • Attention to Students

Another basic aspect is to understand what attention our children will receive and if they will be able to count on personalised attention based on their needs, since it is the way to achieve a higher performance and academic progress.

To learn more about the attention that students receive, it is important to ask about class dynamics, if there is an active and collaborative participation in the classroom, how teachers seek to motivate students and how hard work is valued. These are the key aspects to a better learning and helps to get an idea of ​​what the educational model of the school is like.

In our School, we believe that teachers should do coaching work to get the best out of each student; personalising the teaching methods and choosing project work, direct instruction, experimentation or critical thinking, based on the study of students’ abilities, aptitudes and preferences etc.

  • Facilities and Services

Families also want to know about the facilities and services the school offers, as this can be significant in the terms of possibilities for receiving a more comprehensive training. In this sense, it is interesting to find out if the school has laboratories, what the classrooms are like, if it has sports facilities such as a swimming pool, football field or basketball courts.

It is essential to know if the school has a dining room service and, if so, to know what kind of meals it offers.

Other interesting services for families to find out about is if the school has an option of extended hours or if it offers school transportation. The offer of extra-school activities should also be considered to see whether they meet expectations.

  • Practical Questions

When choosing a school, practical issues such as the proximity of the school, the possibility of having a bus route, its timetable etc. should not be overlooked so that each family’s values make the decision.

Once all these points have been analysed and all the information has been collected, families should ask themselves, “Is this REALLY what we are looking for?” If the answer is YES and parents are confident with their final decision, it is time to take the next step in the belief that you are choosing what you believe is best for your children.

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